Friday, February 4, 2011

Instant Personality Analysis

Instant Personality Analysis through Scientific Research

When deciding who the person is that you want to spend the rest of your life with it's important to know how each of you thinks, feels and acts. Face reading can be very helpful in knowing how to respond to your mate and how you respond. Personology, otherwise known as Scientific Face Reading can give you insights into your partner's behavior and your own. It was first researched in the 1950's by Robert Whiteside and then validated with over 1,200 people. More than 68 traits of behavior can be determined by your physical body structure. Structure / Function is the basis upon which this system is built. 
Your physical structure: body size, facial width, shape, width and angle of eyes, nose, lips, etc. dictates function: how you will respond in given situations. In love, a few major traits are important to be aware of when looking for a long-term relationship:

1. Emotional Sensitivity -
People with thin, soft, looser or porcelain-like skin tend to be more impressionable both emotionally and physically. They tend to be more empathetic, feeling, indecisive and low energy. They can't stand extremes in climate: too hot or too cold and are better off working indoors. Move slowly into a relationship with them since they need a lot of time to "feel you out". People with more resilient skin: thicker, firmer or tighter in texture are decisive and high energy. They are tough and able to allow other's moods to bounce off them. Very suitable for outdoors activities or jobs. You can expect a quicker commitment or a "one night stand" from these people. Finding someone of similar sensitivity will prevent misunderstandings, hurt feelings and boredom.
2. Physical Insulation -
The thickness of the hair. Those with thin, fine hair you are refined emotionally. There is a tendency to be slower to act. Gentleness is their attribute. Quality is more important to them than quantity. Their feelings are quite sensitive to outside influences. Romance them and again move slowly. Remember, what you do for them is more important than how much. If someone has thicker, coarser hair he/she is action oriented. Ruggedness is their strength. Quantity is more important than quality. They are less prone to take things personally. Sex is more of a physical act than a romantic one. Expect little, if any foreplay. How much you do with them or for them is what counts. A person closer to your insulation will make for a more natural flow emotionally and a great sex life.
3. Tolerance -
The distance between the eyes indicates tolerance. The wider the spacing, the greater the tolerance. They are more flexible, forgiving and tend to overlook problems. You'll find them open-minded and willing to experiment. Give them variety in the relationship. The closer the spacing, the less tolerant a person will be. They are not as flexible or forgiving and more willing to point out the difficulties. Expect them to be set in their beliefs and less open-minded. Find out what their beliefs are and don't violate them. Tolerance also indicates patience or impatience. It is very important for at least one of you to be tolerant. Intolerance and impatience won't give the stamina to stay in the relationship for the long term. Too much tolerance can lead to procrastination or letting negative things or people get out of hand before you do something about it. 
4. Generosity -
The lips indicate how generous a person may be. Thick, full lips indicate spontanious generosityto friends and strangers and talkativeness (generous with words). Thin lips indicate selective generosity (only to those close) and conciseness (select with words). The thick lipped person might talk endlessly while the thinner lipped person wants to be brief.

5. Argumentativeness -
The chin shape is one indicator of temperament. Angular, wedge-shaped chins indicate an argumentative or stubborn nature. They will fight for their way and want you to give in first. Trial lawyers and military commanders commonly have this feature. Don't argue your point, appear to agree with them instead. Use phrases such as "I Understand", "I Respect", "I Appreciate". Let them think they're right and have won, then present your ideas. More rounded shaped chins indicate a more cooperative attitude. They are permissive and willing to give in. It's best to match up same chin shapes and not mix-match.
6. Money-Making Ability -
The nose indicates financial shrewdness. An angular, downturned "Roman nose" is called the nose for value. People with this nose tend to know the value of a dollar and are good price shoppers. Let them make the financial decisions and investments since they are experts at it. An upturned nose person will usually be more indiscriminate with money and a poor money manager. They are better off having someone else control the money.
7. Self-Confidence -
This is indicated by the width of the face. Broad faced people are more naturally self confident and willing to go after what they want with an, "I can do this" attitude. They usually take action with limited information and learn by the mistakes they make as they go along. They are natural leaders and make great salespeople or public speakers. In relationships they will go for who and what they want with confidence that they'll get it. Thin faced people lack natural confidence and must learn to be confident. They will take action only after they have all of the information in advance and have all of their questions answered. They have difficulty pursuing their ambitions because of the fear, "what if it fails?". Never push or force them into anything, they'll panic and run. They should be dealt with slowly and given all the information they need to make their decision.

8. Foot-Dexterity 
This is indicated by the length of the legs compared to the length of the torso. People with long legs and a shorter torso have a poor center of gravity and are better "off their feet". They do well sitting down and will develop back problems if they are in jobs they have them on their feet constantly. Conversely, people who have shorter legs and a longer torso have an excellent center of gravity and do very well on their feet. They need to be on the move and are best in jobs that keep them physically active. On vacations, long-legged people might want to take a cruise, go on a bus tour or lie out in the sun. Short-legged people might want to hike up a mountain or go on a walking tour. Finding someone closer to your leg-length will make for more compatible activity and work interests. 
9. Idealizing -
This is indicated by the setting of the ears. People with ears set below the tip of the nose tend to be idealists. They are looking for that Prince or Princess Charming and imagine how wonderful that person will be. They fall in love with the potential of a person and have difficulty seeing their partner realistically. People with ears set above the tip of the nose tend to be more realistic in their approach to life and relationships and will see people and situations as they are. 

10. Communication Styles -
The eyebrows determine your style of communication. Flat eyebrows set closer to the eyes tend to be more direct in their speech and want the bottom line quicker. Arched eyebrows tend to be more descriptive and elaborate with details. This can drive the flat eyebrow person nuts because they don't want to hear every detail.
11.Possessiveness -
The depth of the ears. People with ears that appear to sit further away from the sides of the head (Ross Perot), are very possessive and have an extreme need to collect people, money, thingsPeople with ears that appear to be sit closer into the head are less possessive or collector minded. In relationships, if you are with a possessive type realize that they think they "own you". Non-possessive types are more willing to let-live.
12. Emotional Expression -
The size of the eye's iris. People with naturally larger iris's are more apt to express their emotions and are sentimental. They are very romantic and fall in love quickly. They think more with their emotions and moods. Wine and dine them. Tell them you love them and they're yours. Smaller iris people are reserved emotionally and can be self-centered. They are slower to develop feelings for another and not apt to express them so easily. They think more logically and rationally. Telling them "I love you" too quickly can cause them to mistrust your intentions.
Ectomorphs -
Thin body. Ectos are primarily motivated by security financially, emotionally or intellectually. They want a safe, protected life and although quite slow to commit are quite loyal once they feel secure. They have a tendency to be loners and can be "alone in a crowd". Let them know that they are the most special person in the world to them. "I only have eyes for you" was probably written for them.
Mesomorphs -
Medium, athletic body type. Mesos are motivated by recognition, power or people Their body and physical appearance is very important to them. Compliments go a long way with these people. Especially when they are complimented on their accomplishments. Let them know how great they are and how proud you are of what they've done.
Endomorphs -
Large, heavy body type. Endos are motivated by acceptance, people and family. They will love people who accept them and become their friend. Accept them as they are and be their best friend then you've got them.

In any of these features or traits you may fit the extreme or be somewhere in the middle. It's important to combine the traits to complete the picture of the whole person. Some traits might conflict with others which accounts for people having conflicts in behavior.
It can also be great to use with your friends, family and co-workers. Face reading has been used successfully in sales, customer relations, employee hiring, vocation direction and courtroom jury selection. Plastic surgery or any other type of structural alteration can hide a trait. It doesn't mean the trait isn't there. A major philosophical change in attitude can change a trait so that it's expressed differently. Use this information for understanding yourself and others, not manipulation!

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